
I am a PhD candidate working in David Karger's Haystack group at MIT interested in building software which augments human cognition.

At the moment I am building tools for doctors in the Emergency Room at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center which seek to reduce the cognitive burden of synthesizing the patient medical record, improve the quality of patient care, and lower the burden of creating clinical documentation. My tools have been actively deployed in live Emergency Room settings for over a year and have been used to document over 1000 patient visits.

My work with doctors has helped me understand that there is a large domain knowledge gap between programmers and expert users. Most software is monolithic and requires hard coded logic, but many domains are adaptive and require constant evolution1. I am interested in developing tools to make software malleable and allow end users to become creators. Malleable software encourages feedback loops2, supports the growth of communities 3, makes users more productive 4, and allows experts to encode their knowledge directly into a system.

In the past I interned at Microsoft Research in the EPIC group, at Google on the Data Commons team, and at SpaceX on the data science team.

While in undergrad I led Andries van Dam's graphics lab. As the team lead I took charge of the first year of development of Dash, a hypermedia system focused around documents.

  1. Medicine is a complex adaptive system: it is made up of many interconnected, multilayered parts, and it is meant to evolve with time and changing conditions. Software is not. It is complex, but it does not adapt. That is the heart of the problem for its users, us humans. -- Why Doctors Hate Their Computers

  2. Creation is all about feedback loops. The easier it is to find new content, the easier it is to add onto it, remix, and share it back with the community. The core advantage that TikTok has over YouTube is that content creation is as easy (or almost as easy) as content consumption. -- Repl.it Apps Release

  3. For a really interesting podcast about the power of communities in software development check out Metamuse -- Time-Based notes with Alexander Griekspoor.

  4. Why Figma Wins is a great read about the impact of plugins on the design community.


  • TIL
    A log of software issues that I don't want to figure out twice.
  • Blog
    Bits of writing about ideas or things I'm interested in.

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